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It rises on a peak overlooking the underlying Val di Torbola; the town was the scene of bitter disputes several times around the 1400s, sacked and lar...
Read more AramoCastelvecchio
In the center of the village of Castelvecchio there is the Oratory of the SS. Rosary, entirely decorated with Stories of the Virgin and Christ, it is ...
Read more CastelvecchioCollodi
Collodi is a fraction of the Italian municipality of Pescia, in the province of Pistoia, in Tuscany. Medieval village documented since the 12th centu...
Read more CollodiFibbialla
The entrance is marked by the rectory of S. Michele, around which the town is structured. Inside there are some seventeenth-eighteenth-century paintin...
Read more FibbiallaMedicina
The castle is known for the ancient church dedicated to S.S. Sisto and Martino. Built in the fifteenth century, it crowns the high wooded hill on the ...
Read more MedicinaPescia
The city of Pescia is located at the north-western limit of the Valdinievole (of which it is the historic capital), a short distance from the border o...
Read more PesciaPietrabuona
Pietrabuona: the natural gateway to the “Svizzera Pesciatina”. Situated on a hill in a strategic position, in the Middle Ages the town was the site of...
Read more PietrabuonaPontito
The castle (749 meters above sea level) known since the 9th century as a possession of the bishops of Lucca, stands at the source of the Pescia river....
Read more PontitoSan Quirico
It is one of the most beautiful castles in Valleriana. Located on the eastern side of Monte Battifolle, it is a town that offers a view of all the val...
Read more San QuiricoSorana
The ancient village, nestled on the slopes of Mount Petritulo, takes its name from the fortress, of which only a few remains remain today and which wa...
Read more SoranaStiappa
Located on the slopes of Mount Battifolle, at 627 meters above sea level, the ancient town marked for centuries the border between the Grand Duchy of ...
Read more StiappaVellano
Vellano The recognized capital of Switzerland Pesciatina and once a renowned holiday resort, the town - ancient Avellanum - rises in a panoramic posit...
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